
His name is Kadek Dewi , but Nancy fondly called by friends , relatives and customers . Currently 40 years old , has never been married so have never had children . Since graduating junior high school in the 86 years he has been plunged into Kuta beach . He is a native girl whose fate Kuta including disadvantaged . Ever so hawkers , selling bikinis , hats , mats and cold drinks at the beginning of his career as a beach girl .
" At that time there were only a handful of women hawkers hats and mats on the beach , " said Kadek in super minimalist residence in Kuta . He lived in the area peringan , because around his residence was overgrown with wild bamboo plants . He had a year living in a place not worth it .
The rest of the rest of its glory as she left not a shred coast . Even during this month he was suffering from acute kidney disorders . Face and hands swollen legs due to the inability of kidneys filter blood soiled .
Profiles on the internet such symptoms are caused by disorders of the stomach due to excessive alcohol habits digest . A drunk girl , it is not surprising , because in the past the original Kadek Dewi Kuta girl is indeed familiar with the night life is not complete without the presence of whiskey vodka and tequila .
" When I was victorious earn $ 100 in one night is not an obstacle , " he recalled . He had become a waiter or waitress in a few pubs in the 90s that were scattered in the area of ​​Kuta . Caucasians still wandering up to the narrow alley.

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