Wayan Raga 58 years , a native of attack , already acquainted with turtles since he was a teenager. Once graduated from junior high school in Denpasar he decided to hunt turtles , Borneo to Papua even close . It happened in 1971. Year of the turtles still traded freely , no such prohibition today. She interns participating fishermen from Sulawesi , Bugis and Mandar are many disassemble turtle in the village at that time . Since then he is famous as the turtle smugglers . And it lasted for 10 years .
Supposing any turtle janggolan or unload a boat in the blink of an attack will be sold greeting . For
10 years he found that turtle hunting turtles in the waters of Borneo
origin at that time regarded as a plague , much like birds that invade
the rice plants were fertile . Or leafhoppers that invade farmers' rice fields .
The turtles usually come stuck in fishing nets , or even come to prey on fish that are maintained in cages by fishermen . For
10 years he participated in the mission to eradicate pests with turtle
hunting , so mating at the age of 25 years he decided to stop being a
turtle hunters . Wayan Raga home to help their parents mengelopla attack turtle cage .
During that time in the 80s he was victorious as the turtle trade . While becoming a tourist transporter of Suwung to attack him a time to sell turtles . At that time the pass is not there from Suwung to attack the island . Anyone who would have to cross to the island turtle with janggolan . Tourists
started coming to attack a lot of the time, and Raga admitted from the
outset will see many opportunities for attacks to be aligned with other
areas outside the turtle island . He was then routinely sells 10 turtles each month . And bring 100an more turtles at the same time .
I am also the first to pioneer make turtle sights on the stump Tiing
attack on the southern tip of the island at that time , " he said again .
Tourists who come to give a blessing but it also gives awareness on Wayan Raga turns out that these animals are endangered .
time there was a tourist who cried when she saw turtles slaughtered in
the abattoir one turtle , he went and begged Sports slaughtering stopped
. Tusir the complaints and institute awareness of turtle lover , then the attention of conservationists finally drawn to attack .
" And we certainly can not escape as the turtle island where we had
always be a place mampirnya turtle nesting but at that time it is very
rarely seen , so we also participate moved , " he said .Especially when WWF WALHI and many other NGOs flock to attack for providing information about the importance of saving turtles .
" I am the 20 year arab with hunting and trade of turtles so realized ,
so far there is nothing wrong in the way we exploit nature , " he said .Along with concerns and increasing global awareness about turtle Sports kepuhan appointed head of customs or bendesa called. Raga advantage of that position to change the views of people who used
to be a protective turtle hunters as a way to avenge the error .
takes time to bring awareness to people to stop hunting and selling
turtles , because they have to be given some sort of alternative that
forward biased during the majority of his life fishing turtle catcher . Like tit for tat , when heavily cessation turtle catch an investor is interested membangus village resort in the white sand . Goods initially certainly glad , because residents will be able to switch from workers such as fishermen elsewhere in Bali . But then what happens is , residents bought land cheap and keep the proceeds in the bank went bankrupt .
But the island already been mastered investors attacks . Reclamation continues , which used to attack the island of 100 hectares is now widened to 500 acres . Bridges built , roads paved edging to the corners .
could protest , he did not want investors who plundered a brutal
fashion so , t fire as he examined a weak position , even eventually to
stop so bendesa . Stop as bendesa cause him more flexibility to develop turtle breeding .
If during this time he memperjual right turtle size 1 meter to cut as lawar . At that time he started to learn how to develop start hatching turtle
eggs and hatchlings to preserve the ocean come into wide release .He ventured into Sukamade , to Lampung even to Banjar brackish to hunt eggs ready for hatching turtles . From his experience hunting turtle and then sell them in the past he later discovered too terbaiak to incubate turtle eggs .
Eggs must be dug week after ditinggalklan in the nest , as long as
there is still a white mucus that surrounds the whole egg which usually
amounts to 100 grains perlubangnya , " he said . He taught inventor fishermen about how egg crate foam box , prop it with a paper egg recahan smooth to avoid broken eggs .The new egg treatment orders yet it is very important because it will
determine its success to become a turtle hatchlings and chicks that Seha
, without the right kind of turtle would die young , or even the many
who died in telornya .
So to minimize the loss and death of some kind of turtle she did a little experiment piecemeal . He maintains hatchling size of a tennis ball in a special plastic basin . There are around 100 basin . The food provided is tiller milkfish or shrimp .
In the natural wild , turtles need to live in the river mura because there are many children milkfish and shrimp children . During the previous month was enough feed the hatchlings of existing food supplies coincide with the time when he hatched . Hatchlings that have not been able to eat for a month to train his
ability to swim , but to reach the open ocean as well to avoid predators
such as sharks and other predatory fish .
the way that's still considered amateurs Sports show the world that he
is not only biased hunting and killing turtles sporadically but also
preservation . Rada
continue to learn , to see the right way and method to develop turtle ,
until eventually fly attack again as turtle island .
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